Patrick was born in farm laborer’s housing on a farm owned by white South Africans during the Apartheid era. His father was a farm laborer. Patrick is proud to be a ‘true Xhosa’. As an impoverished black boy, he was only given the opportunity to obtain a 5th grade education. At age 10 he moved to the city where he became a boxer and worked to further his education.
As he became a Christian, he desired to someday be in the full-time ministry. He studied theology at the Bible college in the Transkei. It was at Bible college that he met Kelly Kosky and formed a long-lasting relationship with Kelly.
At one of the many evangelistic outreached at Bible college he met Nokwanda, and knew that he would someday marry her. Nokwanda was training at a teacher training college when she met Patrick. She admired his zeal for God. After she became a certified teacher, Patrick and Nokwanda married. The Lord has blessed them with four wonderful children.
After four years Patrick graduated from the Bible college and was quickly recruited by the military to become a chaplain. For the next 23 years Patrick was promoted to become a high-ranking officer in the chaplaincy corp where he advised the commanding officers in Spiritual matters and was a counselor to the enlisted men and woman. He was proud to serve his country as an officer and chaplain, but he knew the Lord was calling him to teach and disciple others in the Word of God. It was at this point in Patrick’s career that he felt that he should contact his long-time friend and mentor Kelly Kosky. Patrick shared his frustrations in not being able to fully teach and discipline others. Unbeknown to Patrick that the mission was praying for a dean and head-master of our bible college. As a result of much prayer, Patrick took an early retirement from the military and volunteered to became the dean of Gatyana Bible college in 2023. Patrick is now teaching and discipling the next generation of Christian leaders in the Transkei.