Evangelism is at the heart of the mission. The Word talks about love being the greatest virtue. The Father so loved the world, that he sent His only son. He commanded His followers to bring His love to the lost.
Immediately after arriving in the Republic of Transkei, the Koskys began going to the unreached villages and sharing the Gospel with those who had never heard about Jesus. This truly was good news. As the Koskys continually brought the Light to remote Xhosa villages, the Lord not only redeemed souls but also changes lives. The Lord wants to bring hope to the hopeless, and joy and life-change to those in darkness.
At first, evangelism was done by going from village to village, sharing the Word in the tribal huts. These gatherings quickly grew, and the Koskys purchased a small tent in which to hold revival meetings. The Word was spreading and growing, and the small tent soon wouldn’t accommodate the huge crowds of people. The Koskys then purchased a very large tent that would hold over a thousand people. But the crowds kept coming. The sides were taken off of the tent to allow the Word to spread to an even larger crowd.
When Campus Crusade heard about the revival that was taking place in the Transkei as a result of the evangelism the Koskys were doing, it gave the Koskys The Jesus Film in the Xhosa language. Screening The Jesus Film to people who may not have ever have seen a light bulb was a phenomenal success. Wherever the mission showed it, people would come from miles away to see a projected film and hear the Gospel in their own language.
The tens of thousands of unreached villages that needed the Gospel far exceeded the Koskys’ ability to reach them by themselves. Consequently, they have developed many teams that are currently reaching these villages on a regular basis. Following their God-given calling, the Koskys have been reaching out to the lost among the Xhosa in the former Republic of Transkei for over three decades. God’s desire of bringing hope to a dark and hopeless world is being fulfilled. The Koskys have seen tent revivals expand far beyond capacity. The Gospel is being preached and souls are being saved. The Lord has reached thousands of unreached Xhosa villages through this ministry. But the reality is that the mission is only scratching the surface. There are still tens of thousands of hidden villages that have not had the chance to hear the Good News. Despite the many teams that have been developed by the mission to continually go out and bring the Gospel to them, the need is still great.